Wednesday 29 January 2020

SigmaAtom's Guide to Beggars, Skaters, Scammers and all sorts of Shenanigans in DCUO


Firstly, most of this is common sense and you will most likely know it all already  however  it doesn't hurt to be reminded every so often. With that in mind.. grab a tea or coffee stick some music on and enjoy this read! 


Begging is a blight on the community, not for obvious reasons either.. you could be feeding a Gold Seller or a Trader on a low alt.. who then goes off and makes money on what you gave them. We saw this quite a few times in ORS back in the day.. I was quick to stamp it out.

Encouraging begging is what gives those players an impression that they will receive things easily without work.. this is why you have so many league hoppers.. going from one league to another trying to get more stuff for free.

I say; if they want the stuff ask their league staff to give it to them by them earning prestige for the league they are in firstly. I once told a guy this in ORS.. he instantly left. The staff stood about laughing in amazement.. it was so brazen.. he was only here to get stuff not play with us.

Discouraging begging is *not evil*.. these aren't homeless people on the street, they aren't missing a meal by you not giving them an aura.

You don't even know what they do and don't have already.. they ask for a blue aura (or w/e) you give them it .. they keep it and just go to the style menu and pop on the blue one they had before yous met. Same for anything else.

If you will believe they people join leagues to empty a league bank to sell stuff.. then it follows you are likely to believe me when I share the above. They also empty league banks to feed an alt. I've seen this in ORS..  dude empting the league bank to feed his end-game alt... he answered 'ohw is this *not* okay?'.. what the flip!

Remind beggars.. they are here to play, not to score free stuff. Or to spam in WT/HoD for said free stuff.


Community skating is the lowest of the low.. these people are pond scum, the telemarketers of DCUO.

Q: What is skating?
A: players that expect other players (strangers) to do the work for them.

For example: was in E3 couple of years ago when that content was new.. guy shouted for a group to kill the 300 or w/e bad guys for the 8 marks.. he had us all running around killing them but he himself.. while getting the benefit of our work just stood talking to his friends.

I am not having a go at people who participate and try to contribute .. but to those who DO NOT TRY.. and make no attempt to be part of something but still get the reward. It is INTENTION that is in question here.. we all have showed up at the end of a OW raid boss fight.. that's not what I am saying. Or had friends with higher CR carry us.. I'm not saying that either.. what I'm saying is:

Skaters: Tricking strangers in to good faith grouping or otherwise; with no intention of doing any work.

With all the new players entering higher content.. which is a system I endorse as it is overall good for the community.. we are getting.. players.. doing things like waiting until you have done most of the work, giving two strikes and getting the benefit. I abhor this behavior.. and came very close to spitting bile in the chat at them, but have no as yet, and hope I can restrain myself. 

We have all earned what we have.. no one just showed up and did all the work for us.. we relied on league staff members, we relied on friends.. we participated as best we could and paid back those staff members and friends as best we could and when we could.

My former First Officer and I were recently talking about this.. we were in Chaos Gotham collecting the magic motes together.. I noticed he was just standing on the platforms in the sky in Robinson Park and I said to him he was being cheeky.. he replied 'why should I have to work when my minions can do the work for me?' .. he was joking about this because we had been talking about skating (we were the only two grouped so he meant minion=me).. but I didn't mind so much as I owed him for a lot of help leveling my many many alts.. I did call him a 'cheeky git'.. and we laughed.

Even though we disagreed on some of the minor points of skating.. he was making my point for me. His opinion is.. if you are very low, you might need that help, I say they should have to earn it or join a league and contribute to that league and in return their own league staff will help them. His way is kinder.. my way grows the community as a whole and sures it up, as staff contact is the way players stay in the game and don't just leave.


We all know the oft told tale of they said this/they did this.. gimme my money.. gimme my reset. But all of this can be easily avoided.. and besides harming someone's rep in a game can become serious.. as you are messing of the politics of adults.

The easy way is buy/sell too from reputable traders.. I know 2 on the EU server. I even occasionally trade myself and sell resets (PC) but very rarely.. and always cash first. I just met you and I'm not giving you my trust..

But that's the crux of the matter.. who goes first? chicken and the egg.. welp.. don't deal with people you don't know or only deal with friends of friends.. have someone voucher for them that you trust.

If they scam you.. report them to their league boss, making sure you have screenshots of the event. These scammers will NOT enjoy ANY repercussions as they planned to get away 'scott-free' and you hurting them spoils the scam for them. 

Like most  of life.. you need proof of what you say if you have a dispute, as truth is the great leveller.


I believe in helping the community.. however doing a load of donkey work for a non-leaguer, no. They should join a league and get their league staff to help.. and if they don't have any league staff because they are in a dead league.. they need to leave that league and find another. If they are league staff in a dead staff you should be more than capable to level.

Joining a league just to hide a low alt from you main league and getting the other leagues staff to level the low char. Not acceptable.

Help out the community every so often, one.. maybe two instances if you like them.. and the rest, leave them to their league staff or try to recruit them on their main. 

Give it to them freely and without expectation of reward.. but if they want more, I for one expect it returned, either in kind (help me level an alt) or via prestige for the league (join the league).

Seen but Not Heard

Ohw by flip I hate this.. straight off, don't like under 18 year olds being in this game. Actually I'm Scottish and 16yo is pretty much adulthood here.. so.. I'm fine with 16yo + but.. since the ROW is 18.. okay no big deal, don't care that much in DCUO to argue over 2 years. I just don't want to interact with children in this game. I have a story from my DCUO blog I would like to share, its from many years ago, but encapsulates the interaction of strange adults and strange children.


* "Quick story..

So I was leveling one of my low alts last week.. and some guy in Gotham shout kept asking for help. I pm'd him saying I would switch and help. I did so. he managed to inv me to group after a pm. he had already ninja invited another high CR player (who I had been acquainted with in a duo that morning on another alt). i told the other high cr, that I would get this.

We went to ace chemicals, the guy we'll call R.. R had just hit 30 and was trying to do the alert solo. half way through I became curious about recruiting, as he was a non leaguer, I knew if i told him this and about ORS's age requirements he'd just lie and say he was 18 just for the help.. so I asked him 'what age are you.. whats your story R?'.. he replied '12.. england'.. well I dunno what to say to 12yo that i'm not related to.. so i said 'school hols eh?' .. I had *no idea*. then he replied 'dean trust'.. at first I thought it was his real name so I said 'no no R's fine.. don't tell me your real name' .. then he suddenly logged. it was a typo! it was 'don't trust'. flip.. what are 12yo doing in this game!! it's bad enough we have teens. DB *really* should make it '18+' only if they don't already. I don't care about profits i don't want any stranger danger for helping low levels o.o

I was half way through ace chems too! but luckily enough I popped a treasure chest and it gave me something I needed... oh! and I got my *first* kick me epic back sold that on broker for 1 mil. nice!"

I will now expand on this and say, take screenshots of all your interactions at every point you can. Especially with children. I can only hope Dimensional Ink aka DayBreak.. raises the age inside DCUO to 16 at least for all new sign-ups going forward, as this afaik, is the legal age to get a bank account and so begin spending money in DCUOWhich will encourage their profits and protect their members.


ORS was founded in 2012, I have been league boss since it's founding have seen all sorts of crazy shenanigans:

Dude had been with us 2 weeks.. kept PM'ing me saying he wanted the officer training. Gave him the training (takes around 4 to 6 weeks). Becomes an officer: empties the officer bank and leaves.

Dude joins, I spend 4 weeks helping him level to end game. I log in and he has left without a word and joined a new league. I PM him asking what was going on.. he told me 'ohw  my little brother had access to my account.. I'm back in my main league.' after this PM he changed his name (because Wavedox/Census pics don't lie + same league).. so he had just lied to me and got me to Donkey his alt so he could join his main league. I have the highest contempt for this guy. May he forever be in failed raids!

I used to know quite a few league staff of other leagues back in the day.. guy wants to buy a reset, I foolishly give him the reset first.. he goes away laughing. 30 minutes later his league boss came on.. we were acquaintances.. I told her what happened, she told me this was third report she had of this guy doing this; she kicked him. He came up to my spot in WT and started begging me to say to his league boss to let him back in and that he had been with them since the start (I assume 2011).. he even offered to pay me the money he owed me.. but I felt it was worth it for him to learn a lesson.. not only should he not be messing with other league staff.. as league staff know the value of community.. he most definitely should not be scamming anyone.

I hope I have gave you some practical things to think about in your adventures in DCUO..
and regardless..
Have a great and bizzare day!



*many years ago now I admit as ORS has been pretty much mothballed since monthly content stopped (2016).. few remaining staff and vets.

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