Friday 3 April 2020

SigmaAtom's Guide to being an Officer..The ORS Officer Manual

Welcome to the ORS Officer Manual.

Please take your time to familiarize yourself with the work and ideas represented here. We in ORS also wish to extend these guidelines and training to any ORS child league's senior staff, Officers and Ensigns.

Please read the Terms and Conditions before continuing. This manual is for ORS/ORS child only, by continuing reading you agree to the terms and conditions.

SigmaAtom's Guide to Organizing a League:

"Officer has all League permissions, except to edit permissions and spend prestige.

The first thing you should be taught when becoming an Officer is; never lose your cool. never lose your temper. no matter how much you are goaded. Always be communicative. Be clear in intention and purpose. Be friendly, no one wants to feel shouted at, if they did not understand something, it's 'bad form'. Do not swear, why? because you are garnering respect from people you have never met in person, they do not know your character in real life, they have to believe in you, the easiest way to do this is by not swearing. The community at large has to find you of good character, that you can give honour to your league.. and most of all, it keeps people calm. I cannot stress how important that is. have you ever came online and with 30 mins there is some drama, that looking back could have been easily solved, but exploded? Swearing puts petrol on the flames, not just for arguing either, boisterous chat can so easily lead to making members too 'hepped up' (excited).

Never expose your chat in public. It is humiliating for the people involved, and only goes to show you are unworthy to be an Officer.. if as an officer you have to 'dress someone down' do it in PM ONLY. This is one of the worst things an Officer can do.. to rebuke someone in public. PM Only, even if the member is swearing at you, don't take it public. if you go away for an hour and it still bothers you, take it to the league staff. NOT PUBLIC, I cannot stress that enough.

In Group I ask leaguemates politely for no swearing. as the group has seen them already.

Officer Rank:

Officers can be General Officers, or heads of dept. These are only one rank and the heads of dept. are known to the senior staff, but the rank is still 'officer'.

Comms Officer: Speaks many languages, has a good knowledge of the entire league roster, their background (ASL).

Purser Officer: Trader and holder of the league cash and exos. Establishes Trade with other leagues. hands out in-game money and items to league members. (this is for large leagues, why have senior staff have to leave what they are doing to help a league mate in a simple matter?)

PVP Capt. : As mentioned before, leads and creates a PVP crew, responsible for teamwork. Brings prestige (currency) to the league.

Drill Sgt. : responsible for basic training. formation. general information. to start to form in the mind of recruits what teamwork is in dcuo. usually top recruiter, but not always.

All Officers have a duty to help the league, no matter if a head of dept. or general officer. but if an officer is out of his depth (purser being asked PVP questions) he should be forthright and honest, say he/she doesn't know the answer and to wait for the relevant person to come online. no need to get embarrassed and make up some nonsense/mis-information. It's OK."

I will expand on each facet of being an Officer and Head of Department.


Comms Officer:
Speaks many languages, has a good knowledge of the entire league roster, their background (ASL).

Comms Officer is like a mix of concierge/Human Resources/Party Host for the league, they have *some* of the same responsibilities as the First Officer, to schmooze, to make convivial chat.. to smooth over with light chit-chat any tensions. Like if a group are getting impatient on a Q coming up.. but that's secondary..

The main job of the Comms Officer is to make clear communication between languages. To make others comfortable.

The best way to make others comfortable is to know more about them.

In ORS we have not had a Comms Officer.. so I compensate and do a minor job of it myself.. I speak a little bad French, German, Spanish.. not in anyway great, but at a push; useable to negotiate a language barrier as long as the other person is very understanding.

As an extension of this, Senior Staff especially the League Boss maybe wish to enquire more from the Comms Officer about a member to better know them.


Purser Officer: 
Trader and holder of the league cash and exos. Establishes Trade with other leagues. hands out in-game money and items to league members. (this is for large leagues, why have senior staff have to leave what they are doing to help a league mate in a simple matter?)

Purser works closely with the Senior Staff, usually the League Boss.. to explain this Head of Department fully, I think we should venture into prose..

To begin with the Purser Officer should be above reproach, never a thief, always of great trustworthiness of character.

The Purser should be able to make a great deal of money, but also League trading items and be able to judge what can be used and what can be kept for trading.. the two main jobs for Purser is, to provide a little cash to members to keep them solvent.. and provide opportunities for skill points for staff.

If a staff member wants a valuable item, they will judge the worth of it to the staff member, set by limits previously discussed by themselves and the League Boss

If a staff member asks for a ?? Million item.. the Purser will judge how well the staff member has worked towards getting the item themselves, and how much the feats points are worth to the league, they also judge how pleased the League Boss will be should the Staff member receive the item.. which also includes noting what the League Boss has said about their behaviour and work for the League.

Senior Staff can overrule a Pursers judgement, but at the same time, the Purser has a responsibility to report this directly to the Boss when they log.

I do not recommend to any Senior Staff to use this power of overruling, except in times of emergency within league morale (that is NOT to say bribing someone to stay)..

Times of emergency would be.. if the League Boss is sick/not logging. Massive morale crash wave throughout the league.. in those times Senior Staff have a responsibility to keep staff morale high, members not so much.. but definitely staff.


PVP Capt. :
Leads and creates a PVP crew, responsible for teamwork. Brings prestige (currency) to the league.

We in ORS have usually had a PVP night.. I often recommend to the PVP Capt. wednesdays as 'PVP Night'.. but this is totally up to the PVP Capt. I let them decide what is best for themselves and the League.

The PVP Capt. is the 'show-piece' Officer.. much like Alden was in the early days of ORS, Alden alone would bring people to ORS by his excellent PVP skills, bring prestige (currency) but also respect-prestige from other members of the community.

The PVP Capt. creates and guides/teaches a PVP Crew from the members and staff.


Drill Sgt. :
responsible for basic training. formation. general information. to start to form in the mind of recruits what teamwork is in dcuo. usually top recruiter, but not always.

Ah! here's me.. hehe

Drill Sgt. is responsible for both teaching the basics of teamwork and also teach members how to level.

In the early days, the Drill Sgt. just levels them to a 'hand-off' point.. an agreed CR.. so say 2/3rds of the max CR, but the League Boss should be aware of the pressure put on the Drill Sgt... like giving them 'fresh off the boat'.. 'fresh off Brainiac Harvester' hehe.. no. that's not cool.. unless it was greatly discussed between the Senior Staff and the Drill Sgt.

League Boss should think well on the acceptable CR they are recruiting at.. and so not put undue pressure on the Drill Sgt.

Drill Sgt.'s become mini-mentors as often members will bond with them.. this is a very rewarding part of being this particular Head of Department. Drill Sgt's should be aware of this at all times and try to be kind.. even more especially kind to those they help.

Never be afraid to politely correct members.. it is essential they know what they are doing and do not form bad habits due to you being overly polite.. but when telling them keep in mind they probably have great respect for you helping them.. so balance it correctly.


General Officer:

The 'polite police' and 'civil servants' of the league. To both maintain order and at every opportunity help members achieve their goals.

Remember we are a hobbyist group.. but one that contains human adult politics. Balance within conduct creates peace. Showing such balance encourages such peace to perpetuate itself.

In short.. behaving well makes peace,that in turn makes more peace and is bolstered.. by the same good behaviour.

We hope the Officer Manual has been instructive.

Conduct and respect is everything when being a Officer. Use these words well and they in turn should serve you.

Good luck!


League Boss of OrderoftheRedSun.

Terms and Conditions.

Should uninvited others of non ORS origin, read said manual use for training, by reading and practising the information contained within, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

1. you will state where you received this training and by whom (myself; SigmaAtom). while you are training or practising, at least once to other staff in your league.
2.You will aid me should I need your assistance if one of you leaguemates becomes troublesome to myself or ORS.
3. If it be that, these training techniques are generally practised and shared within your leagues staff, that they are popular, you agree that you will contact me in game to discuss your league becoming a child league of ORS.

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