Sunday 26 February 2017

First Impressions of Stats Revamp (1.4)..

Hi guys

So.. I went on the test server for the first time since the 'stats revamp'. My thoughts? It's a harder stat clamp, masquerading behind a really nice new UI. I like the new UI I *really* do.

I remade my 'MonkoftheRedSun' char, but this time I made him Mental. I play Mental on Sigma these days so I knew what I was expecting. I am a GL vet and still have GL (and RL) chars. I played the Spark of Parallax solo at 166 cr. near the end Bleeze got me to half health.

This is.. astonishing, that the developers took away the 'good' parts and made the bad parts worse. it felt like I was playing at a cr much closer to 'correct' cr for the content.. this is a major slap in the face to anyone that has already earned their place. I will say it was very 'balanced'.. but a totally unrewarding experience. Why am I constantly using my weapon?? and why is it doing such **pitiful** damage? Either this is intentional by the part of the developers or they have so many 'yes men' around them they do not know.

Let me explain..

The reason people play RPG's is to get their characters *stronger*, each passing of a milestone is important to a player, and once passed, you are accepted as powerful towards that content. 'Balancing' aka stat clamping.. removes the reward that you earned. that perhaps you spend hundreds of hours EARNING. When I go into any T1 alert I should feel as OP as I do on the streets of Gotham and Metro, if I am end game I should *feel* my power at all times, with only end game content being challenging to me.

A Dev might ask 'don't you want to enjoy the content again, like you did the first time?' and the answer is simple: there is NO WAY to enjoy the content like I did the first time. If I am leveling a char, and I get into a good group, then there is a slim chance it might happen, but if I have passed that content.. all that is accomplished is that I have been made a fool of, as it is expected and DESIRED that those who have passed that stage are equally powerful to the cr they have achieved*.

That is how RPG's work. and always have. and always will.

Imagine a game..where each night you sleep, you have all your armor and weapons stolen and you wake up robbed. With opportunity you must spend significant time and resources to achieve satisfaction. Satisfaction that will never come as you are robbed again when you sleep. So you are left without hope. Without reward. Without reason to continue in a game that does not reward players.. but punishes them for interacting with it.

The methods they have now implemented in 1.4 had me constantly using my weapon, for no good reason.

It **feels* like an even HARDER STAT CLAMP. Now you understand why I said this.

I called the 'power back' mechanic 'AM'.. changing this was.. either spiteful or short sighted. It IS fine as it is in game.In fact.. the campaigners of #StatsMatter... of which I was one, focused less on balance and more not getting robbed.

Seems we are going to get robbed even more now. it's crazy!!


As a side note, it has been announced that the new content is April, and so from the release ORS will be operational again.Unless this machiavellian 'Stat Clamp Deluxe 1.4' hits live.



*this (feeling like the first time in a raid with a good group) has happened 3 times since I returned in December 2014. Twice before stat clamping was implemented 5 months later (April 2015). and once since, which was 3 weeks ago. Feb 2017.

Orginal GU47 info link:

Mepps said :

"Until now we have had to rely on raw stat differences to tune challenge levels. This lead to a very wide difference between low and high level statistics. Level 100 stats were over 600 times greater than level 1 stats. We can finally correct this. Now when fighting against non-player enemies with a Combat Rating higher than yours, you will inflict less damage and take more damage. The greater the difference in Combat Rating, the more you experience these effects."

It did not need correcting. it was already correct.
It was EARNED. We were ROBBED.

Now why they are messing with WM and AM I dunno.
unless is it a veiled attempt at more stat clamping.

No one from the #statmatter campaign asked to :
Remove AM.
Remove WM.
Slow us down.

What we did ask for:
Removing of code that prohibits us from expressing our full cr. THE END.