Sunday 14 July 2019

A Few QoL Suggestions..

Hi Guys

Just a few Quality of Life suggestions I would like to make..

I *may* have made some of these before but thought I would group them here.

I hope they are both useful and popular with fellow players, none of these are wild eyed ideas and I hope players and Devs will see them as practical and healthy suggestions.


The ability to unlock a whole style on a character. When asked to confirm you are given a third choice of 'complete style'. This would be instead of going through each style type and finding and unlocking each.

The above suggestion would be a time saver.

The ability to preview materials. full body. Materials are *very very* expensive on both broker and the quark vendor. (Please) Give us the ability to preview what it is we are buying.

The above suggestion would save us from very expensive money wasted.


When we sell something the amount displayed on the item is not the same amount we receive, I'd like to see this disparity end and all the items should have their false values reduced to vendor values.

When selling in the vendor, the vendor signals us that we will receive back marks for selling our items to it.. we will not receive any marks back from any vendor for the sale of items. This 'cross signaling' is confusing and inhibits a streamlined selling experience.

Alt Banks Search

I can spend ages going through each alt looking for *something*, I would like to suggest.. if possible on the character select screen a 'search bank' function. Meaning if I know what the item is called I could use search terms to find which character has it, with the character/s coming to the top slot to signal they have it.

The search would be based on a broker style search so we could use broken terms such as one word. If I search 'Aura' the character with the most Auras would come to the top and then the second most character would have the second most auras etc..

I once (recently) spent 2 hours looking for a collection.. the above suggestion would be a convenient easy of use time saver. 

Movement Mode

Original Post here:

Flight: While in supersonic flight; hold LB/L1* and use the right stick (by pressing left or right on either) to do a left or right centrifugal barrel roll.

Superspeed; While in speed force; hold LB/L1 makes you travel in the opposite (forward/back) direction.

This is because I get stuck upside down going the wrong way (in speed force).

Same again for Acrobatics, I find myself on a ceiling going the wrong way.

Skimming could be the exception to the other three, that you can choose your horizontal preference.. like;

While on normal mode; holding down LB/L1 and using the right stick you can choose your orientation which resets once you release LB/L1. This would give skimmers 4 directions to stand so long as they kept the button held.

If you have anything better for the other movement modes, please suggest. As I am merely and naturally a flyer.

The above suggestion while *slightly* frivolous.. encourages a healthy RP extending the game in ways that are not at all technically difficult to implement.

Alts & Security

It is monotonous to add all player bases to all alts. I would like to see an ability to options>settings>Gameplay 'Enable all bases for characters on this account ..' then a check box. If you had.. say.. a villain you wished to not have access to your hero bases, simply remove them as you would any other player, the checkbox should stay lit in the settings.. if you wish to re-enable, uncheck then recheck the box than save and it will return.

Overlapping bases, I would suggest, come up with an option like when you have access to two or more league halls. Simply choose which one.

Universal ignore of accounts. I tire of adding spammers to each alt. If I ignore someone I wish my entire account (all characters) to ignore their entire account (all characters).

If I ignore someone on one character I also wish to remove their ability to read or interact with chats I have created. When I create a chat, I become administrator/owner of that chat.. I don't mind chats spreading through invitation, but if I ignore someone they should not have access to the chat (reading/writing/VC/sharing).

The above suggestion aims to greatly improve security for league staff and so staff morale.

I saw at one time.. Mepps say something along the lines of .. ' we will not implement account wide ignoring as it jeopardizes the privacy of the account involved..'

Not that Mepps was saying this, and I in no way suggest he was.. but I instantly thought 'So it's' fine for someone to go around insulting me on one character then switch to another character and act like a friend?'

I also thought 'What about my privacy? They can act anonymously around me.. asif~ a stranger; while knowing I have ignored them on my character..'

I had a situation where a group of ex-members with a view to destroy the league kept joining on alts. My rights were not upheld but theirs were.

I digress.. this post is not intended to make complaint on any aspect of the game but to merely make either practical or healthy suggestions.


I would suggest (and I saw another player make a similar suggestion)..access to WT [Shout] should be limited to level 30 or higher. Access to OW [Shout] should be limited to level 20 or higher and premium members. Trade and LFG should be limited to CR 43 and higher.

WT.. why 30? There is even a ceremony to join the Justice League at 30. It's not just spammers but beggars who go into WT with low alts..

Open World.. why 10+ prem? this means that spammers need to spend at least 1-4 hours per character and have spent cash on the game.

Trade and LFG are system/faction wide chats.. limiting them to T1 players is sensible, if real players want to trade and are not yet T1.. they will do what they were going to do anyway and use WT [Shout] instead. Giving players access to faction wide chat for doing nothing.. is too powerful a tool imho.

I hope these suggestions are received as intended :)

Have a great and bizzare day!



I have loads more ideas/suggestions but those are possibly fringe ideas.. the above ideas I would describe as core ideas that benefit the whole community.

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