Saturday, 28 September 2019

Pet Skill Trees and Styles.. V2

Hi guys

So back in umm.. May 2015* I first posted an idea about the above.. I *think* I've posted a couple of times since of this.

I would like to draw attention again to this an option.. and something I left out in the previous posts.. this could be a marketplace money spinner (I *think* this  is in other MMORPGs) for Daybreak.

I feel sharing your materials with Pet Powersets should be free.. making say Crystal or Fury or w/e you like say Cosmic or Pheonix.. if you have a pet powerset I feel there should be a freeing up of sharing auras and materials.

But for the Iconic Pet.. this is where things get interesting..

Unlocking the Iconic Pet with a skill point. Gives you only the Iconic Pet.. vanilla.

Unlocking the Iconic Pets skill tree with a second skill point of yours unlocks the ability to add styles & change colours.. including your already owned auras.

*But* this would also mean in marketplace being able to buy Iconic Pet skins which to use would be listed in styles next to your auras. I feel 300 MP cash per pet style would be fair.

To be clear.. I am *not* saying to dress the pet*.. to explain:

Imagine the Iconic Pet but as a Green/Red/Yellow Lantern construct.. or as Hummingbird (Nature) or Fire Sprite (Fire) or as an Ice Golem* (Ice).. all with complimenting styles to the powerset.. but you could have a Fire Sprite but be Ice.. this seems like it would do more damage but we are only talking cosmetic effects except when you come to the next part which needs to be *earned*..

DCUO as a game rewards players with extra damage if they use contradictory powers.. like say.. hitting a mob with Fire then Ice.

The damage should only be cosmetic and not include PI.. unless you drop say.. 40?/80?SP into the Pets Skill Tree, this in my suggestion unlocks the PI Ability (which would act much like Gadgets ability.. either upping the original powerset damage or contradictory powers). This increases the likelihood of players buying more pet styles to try and see which does the best damage for their play style.

The Iconic Pet .. I feel should be able to do all four Roles and be saved to armories. If you want to make your Iconic Pet a Tank.. you choose that role with 1 SP (others become greyed out) and spec accordingly.

Once all skills are unlocked.. a final reward a Pet Supercharge.

None of the other Pet Powersets pets have a supercharge.. and if you have sunk say 120SP in total into your pet, maybe you deserve a reward?

I'm not 100% about that Supercharge.. but the PI and Roles.. I am 100% sure on. If you are sinking loads of SP into your pet.. then you should be able to get the return. All these pet systems *I feel* add significant additional depth to the game.. make the game more engaging, involving and immersive.

One final thing.. that I still like from May 2015.. naming your pet:



You become your pets equivalent to a league.. I find this super cute*.

Thanks for reading.. & whatever you do;

have a great and bizzare day!



*I'd love individual styles.. but I feel that's that's totally impractical at this time.

*Just a mini version of Ice Elemental Supercharge.

*the underscores aren't meant to be there, it's a quirk of the forums.. that it banks left without them, if I only use space

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