Tuesday 3 April 2018

How Balanced are the Powersets?.. pretty good imho

TL: DR Thank you DB for the effort put into middlelining the powersets.


Hi guys

I want to do a couple of threads in here, so let's get this one out of the way eh? :)

We all often see this in WT or HoD shout:

'Which power is the best power for dps?'

'Which power is OP right now?'

Myself and a friend were helping such an acquaintance, he said to us in group 'Oh wow I've just returned to the game.. what happened to Sorcery?? I can't do the damage I used to :( '

I told him.. erm DD'ing isn't like it was before, he then interjected with 'which is the new OP power?' I tried to explain to him but he didn't understand.

I told him, I have every powerset and 90% (on the spot guess) of the powersets* are 'in the middle', then my friend added ' it's what you do with them' .. his name is D42 (da) a semi-well known Atomic Tank/DPS on the EU server, we've been friends for many years, he is often if not always top of the leaderboard for dps'sing.. even while tanking, out dps'ing some. I'm not boasting about him.. just demonstrating, he knows his stuff too.

But now.. I suspect our acquaintance really didn't want to 'get it'. As he kept pushing to find out the top DD/OP powerset.

Are there powersets that are UP? Sure! Water DPS is *somewhat* broken, High Tide doesn't *seem* to give the damage bonus that other powersets activating PI do (or perhaps the shark animation takes way too long). Nature is slightly UP compared to the middleline of the other powersets, you can up damage using forms and Roar does decent damage, but it's just not hitting the middleline imho. da recently switched from Celestial to Nature, citing that 'the stupid combos took too long' and I have to agree, it is not a quick power.. like Nature good for healing (Nature is beating it for healing atm) but the combos don't feel like your doing anything. I have often said to him.. Atomic and Celestial have/encourage similar playstyles however that extra time in Celestial's combos compared to Atomic is vast.

When I meet someone on their main for the first time, become friends and chat, we talk about roles, its a very easy subject to side into :) If they tell me they only have their main, I suggest they try other roles if they haven't already and depending on the powerset they have I make a suggestion of which other powerset/class they might like.

aaanyways .. I am starting to digress wildly..

For whatever faults the stats revamp had, it did accomplish a certain kind of balance. I *DON'T* feel ANY of the powers are OP.. sure, there are those more powerful than others, but the majority are more intune with the middleline, and the more powersets are intune the more it becomes about the player and the players experience.  I think DB understand.. that RP and powersets are intertwined. If you think someone else will be a better DPS simply because of their powerset then you will have less morale in game, imagining yourself the unintentional victim. By making so many Powersets middleline it up's the overall morale of the community. I commend them.

There are two things I want to share for good player morale:

Contentment that you are no victim of favoritism of other powerset.

The promise that there is more powersets to come.

Maintaining all these powersets while adding new ones is a herculean task, but we players should have DB's back financially in order that we can all continue our hobby. I feel the same about DB adding new OW Cities, if they are willing to do it, we should support them.




* am not talking about the wildly unbalanced older content. which I'm sure DB will get round to fixing at some point.

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