Saturday 25 June 2016

Bulletin Points on Training an Officer (of ORS) ..


I'll make this public, so it benefits everyone. but here are the bulletin points on officer training, even just so I remember:

  • Never lose your cool.
  • Never dress down  a member down in public.
  • Teach them loot etiquette: PFC is very common with most leagues, and is also in ORS. Pass For Class. Members should PFC but also; they should pass on deco IF being helped by a higher cr; staff should always pass on gear unless they clear it with member first (for styles). a piece of random gear that will help the member increase their cr, should always go to the member
  • Morale is the oxygen of a league; recruiting is the lifeblood; we are a family.
  • Drama is the cancer of MMOs; griefing destroys players and so destroys communities.Drama spreads like an infection through griefing. It should never be tolerated or allowed to exist.
  • I don't work hard being a league boss, for an officer to go around swearing, only for that to result in the members swearing at me. being cheeky to me. also it's embarrassing for me as a league boss; like they had no training = scrub.
  • Don't swear. as an officer it the easiest way to garner respect from members. and as everyone in ORS knows by the induction. no swearing. period.
  • Try at all times to be understanding of other people's perspectives, it may be a simple mis-understanding of words or intents between you.
  • Always ask in league chat if anyone needs help. best to do it when you log-on or when members log.
  • Pass lead of group to Senior staff if suitable; first chance you get.
  • At every opportunity; meaning when free; move to the staff voice channel.
  • Help the community at large, you don't have to do 2-6 hours donkey work for them, their league staff's job is to help them, however; doing one *maybe* two missions with a community member is good for community morale. little each day in the Karma bank :)
  • Don't be *too* quick to be angry with a 'bad player' .. it might be that they have no league staff contact or they are in a dead league. Feel sympathy empathy or pity for them; they probably didn't do anything wrong outside of the instance, simply they do not have the good fortune of an availed dedicated ORS staff, which we do.
  • You are not 'LEET' you are player.. just like any other. I even teach at times the senior staff are just officers.. I was a Drill Sgt. I still am in my heart. From the lowest to the highest, we are all players. respect is earned by actions and courtesy is the currency of civilization.

The Induction:

Every part of the induction has a story behind it.. and here is it.

We are a friendly dedicated league, we like polite regular players, we don't like swearing or rudeness, we only like main chars and not other leaguers. we help each other and help the community at large.

When I joined KS, that was the first thing I noticed; everyone was friendly, we continue that today.

We are a dedicated staff; I rem when I was in a friends league when I returned after my 2 year break (Dec 2014), I was the *only* staff online.. not just that, days would pass without any staff online to help (even weeks). That friend (we'll call him S) S has since learned the value of dedication. We expect the same dedication from our members, perhaps not to the same extent, but if you do not care to play with us or bring *something* to our league; then we extend the same to you. You will be removed.

I reiterate these sentiments again, as they are important, and the player *may* not have caught it the first read. 'Polite' is a protective word.. it protects the members, but more importantly it protects the staff; who's dedication makes running the league possible. 'Regular' means they make a commitment to return and to keep returning.

The no swearing rule.. here's a story o.o

During my time as Drill Sgt. in KS.. we had this young german guy..he was 10 levels below me but still thought it funny to be constantly cheeky to me.. even swearing at me frequently. I was trying to emulate my mentor L, and said nothing about this to the german guy.. he must'a been 15 yo. he was level 15 coincidentally.. well one day I logged on and he's asking in league chat for help, which was my duty, I pm M and tell her 'I got it'. We group and he's got a friend (non leaguer) who he want us to level also.. he is laughing and showing off to his friend, mixing german and english.. after 20-30 mins of helping*..  Well.. I exploded. and said a few things.. I was a Drill.Sgt and could see all his mistakes.. I told him them.. and a lot more! He was shocked..

I went out of group and calmed down. he pm'd me I could tell he was crying in real life coz i did it in front of his friend. I was still mad so I didn't reply. after an hour I calmed down.. I suddenly felt horrible! .. I had let M & L down! they entrusted me with a member and I had betrayed that trust! :O

I didn't care too much about the obnoxious german teen; but I had been put in a position of trust by M & L and abused that by exploding.

I resolved to never do this again. and why it's part of the rules of ORS.* and if you're ORS staff reading this it's why it's part of your Officer training : to never lose your cool.

'We like main chars and not other leaguers'

I always feel I need to explain this bit, we don't mind other leaguers, just they are not allowed in ORS.

Offt.. I had planned to tell this story in the history of ORS, but you'll get a portion of it just now.

So we had this cr/ high SP guy join.. we'll call him T.. T had been playing with us off and on for around 5 days by the weekend he wanted to join.. well T had many many alts. all high SP and high CR.. we would be playing and need a role and he'd say 'wait ill just jump on an alt!'.. everytime he did this.. the staff would see his other league banner.. and I could *feel* the sigh of sadness within the staff morale. ..after a few days he was cheeky and griefed on me in duo.. but that stories still to come in the history of ORS.

It's just not good enough.. if staff are willing to spend 100 to 1000 hours helping, you should have the courtesy to remain loyal to ORS.

It's right there in the induction: if you don't like it; do. not. join.

We help each other (M) and help the community at large (L).

ORS was founded by Alden and I on the principles M & L taught us in KS. We try to live up to those today.. well.. Alden has retired from the game, but you get what I mean :)

Each league boss is the captain of their ship.. and each league boss runs their ship how they see fit. this is great! means there is a league for everyone! Some might find it odd that we ask adults not to swear; but we are upfront about the rules and ideals in the induction. if they do not like it, simply say 'no' when asked if you agree, and no invite to league will be sent.

We also have an age requirement of 18+.. we are a PC league in years, and as you may know the EUPC server had many many adults not many under 18's. we liked this. I and the rest of the staff, should not have to deal with any hormone infused teen drama. that's unacceptable.

Quick story..

So I was leveling one of my low alts last week.. and some guy in Gotham shout kept asking for help. I pm'd him saying I would switch and help. I did so. he managed to inv me to group after a pm. he had already ninja invited another high CR player (who I had been acquainted with in a duo that morning on another alt). i told the other high cr, that I would get this.

We went to ace chemicals, the guy we'll call R.. R had just hit 30 and was trying to do the alert solo. half way through I became curious about recruiting, as he was a non leaguer, I knew if i told him this and about ORS's age requirements he'd just lie and say he was 18 just for the help.. so I asked him 'what age are you.. whats your story R?'.. he replied '12.. england'.. well I dunno what to say to 12yo that i'm not related to.. so i said 'school hols eh?' .. I had *no idea*. then he replied 'dean trust'.. at first I thought it was his real name so I said 'no no R's fine.. don't tell me your real name' .. then he suddenly logged. it was a typo!it was 'don't trust'. flip.. what are 12yo doing in this game!! its bad enough we have teens. DB *really* should make it '18+' only if they don't already. I don't care about profits i don't want any stranger danger for helping low levels o.o

I was half way through ace chems too! but luckily enough I popped a treasure chest and it gave me something I needed... oh! and I got my *first* kick me epic back sold that on broker for 1 mil. nice!

Well I think thats everything..

in ORS, we staff spend perhaps thousands of hours helping people we just met.
We shouldn't have cheek for all the hard work we put in .. work done to benefit the community. work we do FOR FREE. cheeky behaviour is unacceptable.

Hope anyone and myself in the future enjoyed reading!

have a great and bizarre day!


In ORS we try to protect our investment of 1. work spent. 2 community 3. morale.
The induction is set to do those things.

*(att he was talking to me like i was a dog.. a stupid dog.. with chat like 'why are you being nice to him? he HAS to help us he doesn't have a choice haha' and 'stupid englander' .. am Scottish!!)
*.. not to mention it was no-no in KS league chat.but it really has nothing to do with that. it was coz of the above story. I didn't repeat the swearing portion.

1 comment:

  1. The first thing you should be taught when becoming an Officer is; never lose your cool. never lose your temper. no matter how much you are goaded. Always be communicative. Be clear in intention and purpose. Be friendly, no one wants to feel shouted at, if they did not understand something, it's 'bad form'. Do not swear, why? becuase you are garnering respect from people you have never met in person, they do not know your character in real life, they have to believe in you, the easiest way to do this is by not swearing. The community at large has to find you of good character, that you can give honour to your league.. and most of all, it keeps people calm. I cannot stress how important that is. have you ever came online and with 30 mins there is some drama, that looking back could have been easily solved, but exploded? Swearing puts petrol on the flames, not just for arguing either, boisterous chat can so easily lead to making members too 'hepped up' (excited).

    Never expose your chat in public. It is humiliating for the people involved, and only goes to show you are unworthy to be an Officer.. if as an officer you have to 'dress someone down' do it in PM ONLY. This is one of the worst things an Officer can do.. to rebuke someone in public. PM Only, even if the member is swearing at you, don't take it public. if you go away for an hour and it still bothers you, take it to the league staff. NOT PUBLIC, I cannot stress that enough.

    In Group I ask leaguemates politely for no swearing. as the group has seen them already.

    Officer Rank:

    Officers can be General Officers, or heads of dept. These are only one rank and the heads of dept. are known to the senior staff, but the rank is still 'officer'.

    Comms Officer: Speaks many languages, has a good knowledge of the entire league roster, their background (ASL).

    Purser Officer: Trader and holder of the league cash and exos. Establishes Trade with other leagues. hands out in-game money and items to league members. (this is for large leagues, why have senior staff have to leave what they are doing to help a league mate in a simple matter?)

    PVP Capt. : As mentioned before, leads and creates a PVP crew, responsible for teamwork. Brings prestige (currency) to the league.

    Drill Sgt. : responsible for basic training. formation. general information. to start to form in the mind of recruits what teamwork is in dcuo. usually top recruiter, but not always.

    All Officers have a duty to help the league, no matter if a head of dept. or general officer. but if an officer is out of his depth (purser being asked PVP questions) he should be forthright and honest, say he/she doesn't know the answer and to wait for the relevant person to come online. no need to get embarrassed and make up some nonsense/mis-information. It's OK.
