Thursday, 23 June 2016

Discussing a Lantern Healer..

I have a few posts from the DCUO Forums I would like to expand on but can't edit.

Here is the idea :

"I don't see why an Orange lantern would give out healing to anyone. but wadda i know? Indigo Tribe IS neutral as we seen in the WOL.. it is a DCUO world event.. part of the DCUO story of our lanterns. ref: when you have to fight Black Lantern Hal alongside Munk. earlier on that mission, he is surrounded by all the different lanterns.

umm.. making a healer lantern class.. then changing the ring color to suit.. it still my preference. coz they'll be alot of myself, who don't want to be a pink male lantern. .. make a ring colour slider, with gradiated colours, excluding the ones not allowed; black and white.

Blue to Purple to Pink gradiated.
Orange to Pink to Purple gradiated.


Villain : Purple to Pink

and they do a separate Orange Troller or Tank class later.

Giving the remaining lanterns to us makes sure we stop asking and asking..which I imagine for the devs is not fun... but saying that it is SUPER popular.. and we should have the last one for the set imho.

The 'pink' thing needs the player's choice, not the devs.

(also I don't think anyone brought this up.. i might be wrong @ thread.. but wearers can have more than one ring.. so it makes sense to me)"

then I answered:

"Erm, kindly. I dunno how you can debate with the idea of 'choice'.. put the player in control.

The mission referenced* is "Oa Under Siege".

I went away after your comment, and watched the Winter Seasonal Alert.. Larfleeze's power is Light, like Sinestro Corps and Green Lantern Corps. (Avarice) Lex Luthor and Captain Cold I did not see them use any other powers other than the ones they have normally, in videos or in game.

Seems the developers have already made Larfleeze Hard Light.

*(had time to look it up now)"

Well I was just thinking.. why not give Hard Light Villains an Orange to Yellow gradient also. makes sense.

Larfleeze is already Hard Light, and the nature of his power is in controlling, greed. Controller class.

peace out :)




Blue to Purple to Pink gradiated.

Villain :
Purple to Pink  gradiated


Orange to Yellow  gradiated.

Edit: hmm I'd like to expand this EVEN further!


Black to Red gradiated.



Green to White gradiated.

Update: I now think it should be a colour picker in the style menu of the individual lantern corps and not graduated. why?

Because the constructs need to match the ring colour. and it's much more practical anyway. clearer and easier to use in conjunction with the 'ring cooldown' see below.


Update 29/July/2016

On the subject of Star Sapphires..and if they are hero or villain, they are both, Carol Ferris is a hero.. and The Predator is a villain.. a being who encases other beings in crystal with a view to brainwash them using a ring to continue the influence over them into mindless drones. Predator = villain so yeh.. There could be a SS villain healer.

Actually it's quite a dynamic between Carol Ferris and the Predator.. the Predator's number #1 lantern is a hero. This is smart, as even as Carol will not always obey.. she can inspire love easily.

Indigo Tribe.. is undoubtedly a hero faction but saying that; the ring is parasitic.. which means if some broke the rings control and took control over the ring.. there could be two sides. I know they are hero.. but in saying that.. that's not true either.. they are neutral.They work with Sinestro corps Red Lantern Corps, Green Lantern Corps & Blue Lantern Corps; and see no difference between them.

Will and Morality of the User


Will and Morality of the Ring


Morality of the Ring and then User



UPDATE: 11th and 12th Sept. 2016. (on going)

Observed Power Moves

Larfleeze  (Agent Orange)

Is observed to be identical to the Hard Light Power aka. Green Lantern / Sinestro Corps.

The following pictures are screen caps from Jens Andersen's video, and for non-profit educational purposes only. besides.. why not go and hit him up with a sub on his YT. Jens Andersen
:Video Here:

Carol Ferris (Queen Star Sapphire)

While The Star Sapphires have 'Fan' from GL/YL, Carol herself shows many more moves.

She has a unique variant of 'Lightblast'. RL Ragebringer, these are similar. In the video this is called 'Violet Light Blast'.

here is a picture:

During the power, the blast targeted allies and enemies, and after the above move, the Star Sapphires had a defence buff, meaning it could be an opposite to Lightblast in Controller stance. And be a Healer defence buff.

Another variant is called 'Passionate Embrace', with wavy lines instead of straight.

See Pictures:

There is also a unique variant of 'Handclap' which has two sets of hands.
In the video the name of the power is 'Hand Clap'.

See picture:

One set hands claps the first target and the second the next closest.

Carol has a variant of Azure Shockwave also, this is a power of Saint Walker (Blue Lantern). In the Video the name of the power is 'Absolute Devotion'.

See Picture:

She also has a unique variation of Temperance/Lantern Ward, which has Star Sapphire insignia's searching the ground.

See Pictures:

On second thoughts this *may* be a separate move.

The Pictures are in the wrong order as it was another SS that cast the second one.

Another power may be the Star Sapphire equivalent to Green Lantern and Sinestro Corps 'Ram'. It Corkscrews through the ground towards enemies.

See Pictures:

I did not observe these were infinite combo's like GL/YL, however even the mobs with GL/YL rings do not perform infinite combos. Much is unknown, but given that GL/YL/RL are precs based, it would follow that the other lanterns are too, including the Star Sapphires.

Saint Walker (First Blue Lantern)

Walker already has a legends character, I used :  this :  video by Kreese2007 to find out his moves. thanks to him.

Salvo of Adara, is a very loose variant of 'Ram' with a few improvements for DPS. The shot is 5 fold and becomes wider the further out your are.

Munk seems to have a non-supercharge variation of the blue lantern 'Hope'.

The move can be seen :  here : in Balkan's video @ 8:44
Which Indigo-1 has also in Corrupted Zamaron duo.

Ever been in a raid.. and the healer prefers to spectate rather than participate? yeah, that's Indigo-1.

I am of course joking. I have been in that duo many times and she has helped. however after researching a few YT vids.. and her just standing watching during a boss fight, i thought it was funny.

Indigo-1 has a second variation of 'Hope', this time it blasts a huge circle of blue light from the epicenter.

can be seen in ApoSenseii's vid @ 7:30/31 .. look : here : and use YT slow-mo. :)

I will try to find the names (and pictures) for these, might be tough though.

Kyle Rayner 

Having both a Green and Blue ring limits our knowledge of available Healer class lantern Heal/DPS abilities. but here are his powers.

While Construct Pencil is green, it could be retconned into DPS equivalent/variant of 'Entrap' if a book was added to snap close on the enemies. Variants could be : Construct Rose; entrap enemies of Love in light construct heart shaped chocolate boxes and let them know the pain they cause with a single construct rose. Construct Rubber Baton; entrap enemies of compassion within light construct rubber balls and make them feel the pain they cause with a construct rubber baton.

"Inspired Blast" is a variant of "Azure Shockwave" and the seemingly devastating "Absolute Devotion".

FWIW, Lantern Ward is my preference for the Lantern AOE Damage-out heal. With a 'Pull' instead of 'Push' effect, for making a 'Tank Mat'.. (the healer lays down the mat and Tank stands on the mat pulling mobs toward the center, while the group, gets damage based healing, players do not need to be in the AOE but mobs do)

Mind Over Matter, is a construct shield, I could easily see this being you + 3 group members, much like the other healers. Imho should time based, and damage in + power in.

Conflagrate is a power very unique to Kyle, I would think it like, Amon Sur's Yellow Lantern pet. Only he can do that.

A 'Inspired Blast' variant imho, should be the HoT and a variation of 'Recharge' for priority heal.

Already we have 12 17 of the 24 powers. 2 trees of 12 powers, I would suggest that they are called 'Peace' (healer) and 'War' (DPS)

Violet Light Blast
Passionate Embrace
Hand Clap
Absolute Devotion/Inspired Blast/Azure Shockwave
Temperance/Lantern Ward
? Insignia
? Corkscrew
Salvo of Adara
Mind Over Matter
Recharge (Rejuvenate)
Hope Indigo Variant 1
Hope Indigo Variant 2 Supercharge

Fan and Spikequake are part of the Star Sapphire powerset.

Update: Found a CC from Star Sapphire called 'Dust Cloud' very powerful CC. would make excellent attack buff. Also they *seem* to have 'standard' Lightblast, the same one as the GL/YL's. If so, they have 2 Lightblast variants and the original. There is also 'Construct Grenade' adding one more power.

Another 12 7 could be taken variants of GL/YL.. or even RL. For example a variant of 'Infuriate' for group healing supercharge. The Star Sapphires seem to have a variant of RL 'Dreadful Blast' but it was very difficult to see in the video. Update: this seems to be simply their 'range' attack and not anything special. However, a cloned variant of Dreadful Blast (Hopeful Blast/Passionate Blast/ Empathy Blast) would suit as a good DPS power. non-infinite combo.

A variant of 'Violence', could be used as a priority heal.

A variant of 'Snaptrap' with two huge pillows, balanced for *very* strong CC and not strong damage.

I'd like to see a 100% SC variant of 'Triage' as a raid heal; you + 7, time based.


Violet Light Blast
Passionate Embrace
Hand Clap
Absolute Devotion/Inspired Blast/Azure Shockwave
Temperance/Lantern Ward
? Insignia
? Corkscrew
Salvo of Adara
Mind Over Matter
Recharge (Rejuvenate)
Hope Indigo Variant 1
Hope Indigo Variant 2 Supercharge
Dust Cloud
Construct Grenade
Orig. Lightblast

Whats missing? 3 Supercharge abilities, 4 Powers. Description; definition of which powers do what.

I'd like to see the Healer Lantern have infinite combos like GL/YL. I think that would be cool.

Re-list + Suggestions :

Violet Light Blast (inf)
Passionate Embrace
Hand Clap (inf)
Absolute Devotion/Inspired Blast/Azure Shockwave
Temperance/Lantern Ward
? Insignia (inf)
? Corkscrew (inf)
Salvo of Adara (inf)
Mind Over Matter
Recharge (Rejuvenate)
Hope Indigo Variant 1 (inf, attack buff + damage-out heal)
Hope Indigo Variant 2 Supercharge (25% SC damage out heal + 50% health for all party members)
Fan (inf)
Spikequake (CC + target damage out heal)
Dust Cloud (Strong CC; low damage, but attack buffs group members AOE)
Construct Grenade (high damage + inf)
Orig. Lightblast (Def debuff in healer role + inf)
Hopeful/Passionate/Empathy Blast (Dreadful Blast)
Construct Pencil/Construct Rose/Construct Rubber-Baton (Entrap)  (inf)
Knowledge/Commitment/Sympathy (Violence)
Hold Fast/Hold to Love/A Kindness (Snaptrap) (inf)

Last Hope/All for Love/Charity (Triage) Supercharge (maintains full health for all party members)

I would like to make a healer lantern whom I could switch rings at will, but that leaves us with the caveat that only females are allowed to be Star Sapphires.. which suits me fine. I have a female nature healer I would much prefer to be a Lantern and I would buy a extra char slot to make a male Blue Lantern, with both being able to switch to Indigo Tribe.

A 'ring cooldown' like an armory cooldown could be implemented to give time for the servers to load each blue/violet/indigo variant. this also sticks with lore, as removing your ring (for the other corps except GL and YL) is said be very 'draining'.

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